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widespread pain

Guest mylilypad


Guest mylilypad

My mom was diagnosed recently with advanced cushings. She is presently not mobile and is extremely fatigued. She also complains of widespread pain. I understand the dynamics of the fatigue and how it relates to Cushings but could someone explain the pain issue and how to best deal with it. It appears as though movement is a trigger. I don/t know how to best be able to help here and would appreciate any input from the members of this board. Thank you.

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2 answers to this question

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Oh yes, I'm almost three years post op and my pain is still not great. I recommend getting her into pain management. They really helped me so much. Has she had surgery yet? A dr explained it to me like this: imagine cortisol being like battery acid running through your veins. Even when the cortisol is gone the damage is done. Cortisol breaks down your muscles and bones. I had really bad bone pain. I feel for your mom. The best thing you can do is what you are doing now? Ask questions..I know it is hard to understand but she is lucky to have you in her life trying to understand and support her. Also is she on the boards? If not you should tell her to join us! ;) best wishes to you both. Feel free to ask any questions :) -Tiff

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Tiff, Thank you so much for your response. It helps me to understand it much better. My Mom is elderly and not a candidate for surgery. She is also non-compliant with her meds so Korlym is not a possibility. She may occasionally complain of a headache or neck pain but often times she'll claim she's in pain but is unable to describe it. When we probe as to the source she will say "everywhere." With that said, she's agreeable to an occasional Tylenol. At least now I have a better understanding and I appreciate and thank you for your post. I'm glad you were able to find the help you needed and I wish you all the best on your road to a full recovery!

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