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Positive 24 hour urine?

Guest Vicky


Guest Vicky

Good Evening:


I have been sick for 6 years & have been seeing neurologists.Beleiving that all my issue were due to a neurological problem.The last neuro I seen thought I should see a Endocrinologist(I must admit I thought he was crazy).However I did have some tests done & my 24 hour urine came back positive for high cortisol levels.I have done a repeat 24 hour urine & some serum levels,which I will get results for on Monday.

I simply just am asking some advice,should my 2nd urine or serum levels continue to show cortisol.What advice can you give me.As well is there many that have had a false positive?...Thanks...



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2 answers to this question

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Hi Vicky,


Sounds like your neuro is a smart one, and hopefully your endo proves to be as well. There are medications that can raise serum cortisol levels (birth control pills, other oral estrogens are ones that immediately come to mind). You can do some research on these boards to see about medications that interfere with testing.


If your tests are positive, you will need to find the source, pituitary or adrenal, and then you will be better equipped to decide what your next step is. Good luck!

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Hi Vicky! Just wanted to welcome you to the boards. I'm glad you are under the care of an endo,although sometimes they miss cushings,but anyway usually they will do more 24 hour urines,blood work, and midnight salivaries( where you chew a piece of cotton and they measure your cortisol levels) after that they would want to figure out where all of this cortisol is being produced..or by what. The most common source is that you have a tumor on your pituitary. Second is that you have an adrenal adenoma..and lastly but much more rare is having a tumor in the lung or somewhere else in the body. Anyway feel free to ask questions! There is a ton of info here and you might want to go and read old threads in the forums. There are so many supportive people here. I hope it isn't Cushings but if it is you are in the right place. Good luck and keep us posted! :) -Tiff

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