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In Cushing's remission? Thinking of plastic surgery...

Guest Katie


Hi all-


I was recently diagnosed with Cushing's earlier this year in February, even though I think I had it longer than that. Symptoms of it began to show about my freshman year of high school (high blood pressure, slow and steady weight gain, moon face, buffalo hump).... I had the pituitary adenoma removed June 19th and I've been slowly getting better since. I'm still on a blood pressure medication, but it's low-dose, as well as the hydrocortisone my endocrinologist has me on. I know it's only been 3 months, and I guess being young and impatient doesn't help, but I've been watching what I eat and exercising on a regular basis, yet it seems I can only seem to lose no more than 10 pounds. I'm still overweight, but the buffalo hump has gone away. The majority of my weight is still in my mid-section, I have love handles in the back AND front, and it just seems that no matter how hard I try, I can't get it under control. I've been thinking about plastic surgery to get rid of all of it, but I'm not sure how effective it would be. I've read that some people just gain the weight right back, even though they diet and exercise. I don't want to go through unnecessary procedures if it isn't going to work....


Any thoughts??



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