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Podcast Interview Info


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Cushing's Podcast Interview Information


Scheduled Interviews

If you want to be interviewed, please choose "yes" on this form

A time will be arranged for your interview. On that day, please call the guest call-in number about 5-10 minutes before the interview is scheduled.

You can chat informally with the MaryO before the chat begins. You will hear the BlogTalk lady say "BlogTalkRadio" and there will be some Cushing's theme music followed by your introduction and welcome. The first question will be asked.

Talk normally, just like you're on the phone chatting with friends.

Archived audio is available through BlogTalkRadio or through iTunes Podcasts

This player will play either the last recorded show or, if the show is currently occurring, you can hear the live show.

Listen to CushingsHelp on internet talk radio

Subscribe to the CushingsHelp podcasts on iTunes

Think of our podcast as a radio show on Cushing's. The show consists of many "episodes". You can listen on your computer, or your iPods, completely free of charge.

To listen, you will need to "subscribe" to the podcast feed using a "podcatcher" application such as iTunes. After you subscribe, each time you launch iTunes, it will automatically check if new episodes are available and if yes, it will download the most recent episode to your computer for you to hear. Then you can sync your iPod with iTunes to get the show onto your iPod for listening on the go.

For help in subscribing to podcasts with iTunes, you can use this tutorial from Apple or if you're iTunes savvy, you can subscribe now!

To be interviewed, please be sure to include your name, email address and check the box that says "Would you like to be considered for a phone interview?"

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