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  • Chief Cushie

Dr. Theodore Friedman hosts Gautam Mehta, MD for a fascinating webinar on Approaches for Pituitary Surgery

Dr. Mehta is a neurosurgeon specializing in pituitary surgery at the House Clinic in Los Angeles. He was trained by Ian McCutcheon, MD and Ed Oldfield, MD
Topics to be discussed include:
• How does Dr. Friedman diagnose Cushing’s Disease
• How does Dr. Friedman determine who goes to surgery?
• What type of patients need surgery besides those with Cushing’s Disease?
• How do the neurosurgeon and the Endocrinologist work together?
• How does the neurosurgeon read pituitary MRIs?
• What types of surgical approaches are used for pituitary surgery?
• How long does surgery take and how long will a patient be in the hospital? 
• What are the risks of pituitary surgery and how can they be minimized?
Sunday • August 4 • 6 PM PDT

Click here to start your meeting.

Join by phone: (855) 797-9485
Meeting Number (Access Code): 807 028 597 Your phone/computer will be muted on entry. 
Slides will be available on the day of the talk at slides 
There will be plenty of time for questions using the chat button. Meeting Password: hormones
For more information, email us at mail@goodhormonehealth.com


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