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Cushings Symptoms



Hello everyone. I hope you are all off the a great year. I need some help with some questions I have and I figured this would be a great starting point.Since Feb. of 2008 I have been dizzy had panic attacks, I am 22 and my hair started coming out. I have always had a full head of hair and have never been depressed or had panic attacks. My doctor put me on antidepressants Effexor 75mg. It isn't doing nothing so they tried Prozac, Paxel, Wellbutrin, and Pristiq. My I have a problem with ear popping and they said I have TMJ and sent me to the dentist who said it doesnt seem like you have it but there is no defient way to tell. My face has become dry and rough feeling and red always seems red. I put on thirty pounds after the birth of my child and tried numerous diets exercising and cant seem to loose it. Also I have seemed to start having facial growth and for a 22 year old woman I don't think this is normal if I let it go I would prob. start looking like a man. I started crying all the time and these panic attacks are getting worse. I went to er and they sent me to gyno who said I think you have postpartum depression. No way I don't believe that. My son was well over the age of two. I have had my hearing checked and a ct/mri all normal. Went to dentist normal. I asked the doctor to test my tyroid it was normal. I asked for the doctor to give me a slivia test he said I don't think it is nesserary and done a cmp blod test which was normal just a slight elevated albumin level but he said that is fine it wasn't but two points higher. They say you just have axiety and depression. My husband pointed out that I have a hump in between my shoulders at the top and that my stretch marks are growing in my underarms...Every symptom my husband and I find are showing cushings is it possible that a blood cmp test wouldnt reveal it? Could I have a normal tyroid?


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My thyroid test came back normal all three times. I was just diagnosed with cushings this month. I have similiar symptoms as you have described. Do you have high blood pressure? That is what really alarmed me at first was because I am 29 and my bp was 220/120. I would definately go see and endo that has experience with Cushings.

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My thyroid test came back normal all three times. I was just diagnosed with cushings this month. I have similiar symptoms as you have described. Do you have high blood pressure? That is what really alarmed me at first was because I am 29 and my bp was 220/120. I would definately go see and endo that has experience with Cushings. I would have them test your cortisol levels.

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