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Status Updates posted by squirrelgirl3

  1. Putting the final touches on Ryan's birthday party. Now all I need is a healthy birthday boy. He came down with a fever today. Please pray that is goes away quickly. We have a FUN weekend planned!

  2. Ryan is off with Mike Williamson for Take your Child to Work Day. I have had an hour to myself this morning to catch up on the madness that is the end of the school year. YAY for progress! Happy Thursday everyone!

  3. ????Happy 6th Birthday???? to the greatest little boy I know!! 6 years ago today at 12:41 AM, after more than 48 hours of labor, my 8lb. 9oz. miracle was born! Ryan Michael, you have changed my world completely. I am honored to be your mama. I hope your day is filled with joy and fun, and of course cupcakes!!! Happy Birthday little man! We ❤️❤️❤️❤️ you forever!!

  4. Heading home after the best day! Thanks again Nerissa for such a wonderful gift for Ryan. I saw smiles from him today that I've never seen before. Smiles that even a year ago anxiety would've hidden. Happy early birthday little man! You are worth every step we walked today.

  5. Only for Ryan would this mama stand in a 45+ minute line for a ride I've ridden a million times. Love my boy!

  6. No school for Ryan today so what do you do on his day off? You and hubby take the day off and go to Magic Kingdom for his birthday present! A huge, huge thank you to my dear friend Nerissa Johnson for making today possible. We have one very excited little boy????????????

  7. Happy Easter! Jesus is alive! Working nursery with the littles today and then celebrating in service with my hubby. Just a quiet Easter just the 3 of us.

  8. Hey friends @ family! If you have not RSVP'd for Ryan's party next weekend, please let me know ASAP. I'm putting the finishing touches on this week! Thanks so much!

  9. Birthday and Easter photos of my handsome almost-SIX year old(how did that happen) with the fabulous Nerissa Johnson! Then a play date with Ryan & Mariela! Egg dying, slip n slide, and grilling hot dogs. Sounds like a perfect Saturday to me!

  10. Do I set ridiculous expectations for my days or is what I expect too much? Sigh.....I need a vacation.

  11. Gloomy morning=kid still sleeping, laundry going, and an hour + to myself. Ahhhhhhh

  12. Thank you for your prayers. Situation #1 is a little better, but we got a bomb dropped on us last night. My father in law had a stroke and is in the hospital. He's conscious and responsive so that's a good sign right now. Pray dr Mike Williamson and Nanette Williamson Dolby. My heart hurts watching my family hurt.

  13. Unspoken prayer request please. A lot on my plate right now.

  14. Soccer, birthday party, groceries...in that order. I am exhausted just thinking about it. Where do my weekends go????

  15. U-C-F Let's Goooo Knights!!!

  16. Holy traffic! Hang on Sputnik, Mama's coming! Thank you Miss Emily's Bed & Biscuit for taking such great care of my baby girl!

  17. Gobble Gobble! 3 strikes in a row on Wii bowling for Thanksgiving! Lol! Happy "turkey" day!

  18. Step 1 on my quest to spend more quality time with my boy: today I made an excavator out of Legos. I HATE Legos, am terrible at building things, and it really tests my patience. But I have a happy Ryan!! I ❤️ that boy!!

  19. Gosh I'm getting old! 20 years ago Summer Woodard and I had a blast decorating a certain now "former" Gator fan's truck. See Destin DuBose, now that truck would look pretty awesome with your newfound transition to Florida State! LOL!!! Happy Thanksgiving you two! Great memories!!

  20. Loving the cool weather but not the cold and scratchy throat that comes with it. Snuggling with Ryan this morning an taking it easy.

  21. It feels good to have my baby back home in his bed curled up with his shark. It's Nyquil for me and some rest to kick this scratchy throat!

  22. Had a wonderful dinner with my parents at 4Rivers in Gainesville. Back on the road, the rainy wet road, headed back home. We got our boy!!!

  23. The things we do for our kids even when we don't feel well. I took a Sputnik on another walk and she made it all the way around our shorter block!!! What a big accomplishment for my little wheelchair pup!!

  24. Sore throat and cold trying to consume my body! Can't be sick!! Go away germs. Time fire some emergen-c and Zicam!!

  25. Got in 2 workouts, chatted with a good friend, and took Sputty for a walk in her wheelchair. Lunch and then an afternoon of shopping for me!

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