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Posts posted by maggieloar

  1. i've been wondering about the same exact thing. i think its so ridiculous that people spend so many years trying ot get diagnosed. you can have all of the symptoms, you can have the tumor, you can even have high test results but you still have to wait and its not okay. i think doctors have just put this idea in our head that htis is how it has to be when you have cushings, that you just have to wait years and years. but if more research was done then more doctors could be aware of the disease, and the disease could become easier to diagnose in a smaller amount of time.

    a few years ago i did the walk for diabetes, and i was just thinking. what if we could somehow organize a walk for cushings, just to raise money for research or clinics or whatever needs to be done in order to keep more people from suffering for so long in the future. we cant really change our own situation so much at the time but i feel like we can make it better in the future or something. i know its a long shot, that im only one person and a very sick one at the time, but its seriously like all i can think about lately. i feel like there has to be something we can do to keep people from dealing with this for so long.

    i dont know, maybe its just a crazy idea but i feel like there has to be something i can do ya know.

    - maggie

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