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ut southwestern

i got to see dr michael mcphaul. i am doing the 24 urine, the saliva test and the blood test. he is also testing my blood sugar and thyroid. so we'll see what happens. i see him in two weeks to go over the results. part of me wants it to be cushings and lets get the surgery over with. apparantly he has diagnosed people with it before and they have done the surgery there at ut southwestern. the other half iof me is scared about surgery and doesn't want it to be. he did tell me they are about to r



I hate doctors already

so far i've called most of the endo's around here and they don't even take me seriously! much less will even bother to schedule me an appointment without being referred from my primary caregiver! So I have an appintment with a normal family practice doctor on September 10th at 10am. I already have the feeling that this is going to be one lonnngggg road to recovery. I always wondered if this was the way i was supposed to look and feel but now I am sure it's not, and I am SO happy i found this sit



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