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Well, I've ordered the boxes, should arrive any day now. Need to start measuring up my furniture. Mum has an old and knacked sofa, so we are using our one. We have some very large reclaimed furniture which I am concerned will not fit, a 7ft pine table with big carver chairs and a 7ft dresser - my Mums house isn't that big! We said the table will take up most of the living room. Our bed is this huge king size reclaimed pine sled bed as well. Not sure if we will be able to fit that in. We have a spare pine double bed we could use but will have to get a new matress so our sled could go into storage. We need to partition one of the rooms off. It used to be a 3-bed but years ago we took the partition down, but that will need to go back up again so Harry has his own room. I am looking forward to going home now. I lived there for the first 25 years of my life, it was where I was born and I don't know, I just think with all that has gone on in my life I need something familiar around me. Right now, where we live, I absolutely love my house, it has character, is firly big, bright and light and I have a lovely garden and it is quiet. I wish I could pick it up and move it down South. I think the big thing Steve and I want out of this is a social life again. We haven't had that for years now and feel we have missed out on living as 'normal' families do. Simple things like catching a film at the cinema, we don't even do that. Hopefully things will change.


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