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Sunday markets again!



Well, my last ever boot sale today...phew!! Did it on my own, 6:30am down with the car loaded to bursting point. Smashed our selling record - got chatted up by a 71yr old and made lots of friends in the process - very fun day. Stress free without the clan with me and ended up making twice the money I would if they were with me - typical!! Must be the gemini gift of the gab...glad to see its returning again after all these months of living like a hermit! Sold lots of Harry's baby bits - it was lovely to see his moses basket go to a young couple who were expectine. They came up to me later to ask my advice on how long they should keep the baby in it - I said it really depends on how big it is!! Harry was 7lb 2oz when he was born and he was 5 weeks premature!! Thank god I didn't go to full term - I am sure he would have been a 10 lb'er!!Well, I am knackered now, absolutely pooped!! Time to sit down, feet up, cup of tea and that giant bar of turkish delight...naughty me (well, I deserve it...!)


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