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New day... new journal

Elise T.


I've been on this site since October and am starting to really get into it. It's the most amazing site and I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have it. Thank God for it! I've been tracking my symptoms and charting as much as possible, but I'm not really journaling and thought that it would be a good idea.


Today was a bad day. I was very angry with my endocrinologist who had the nerve to tell me not to go to see Dr. F as it would be in vain. He shared with me today that he thinks I'm bi-polar. Well, I think he's schizophrenic. When I first saw him last July (2006) he said the dx of PCOS didn't seem very accurate so he did some blood work and found my DHEA's were really high. He said I had an overactive adrenal gland. Then he did a 24hr urine test which came back at 365. He dx me with Cushing's, did a dex & crh stim test. I had a brain MRI & chest/abdomenal CT. Lung nodule detected in the right lung- 3mm. Pit tumor of 3x5x5 found. Next thing I knew I was looking for neurosurgeons and getting ready to have an IPSS to determine if the source was pit or ectopic. Somehow I ended up seeing a Dr. at UT Southwestern who calls himself a Cushing's specialist. He did some blood work- high DHEA & cortisol, but normal UFC. He declared me psuedo-Cushing's and said I had an anxiety related disorder. He canceled the IPSS and told my doc I needed aggressive psych treatment. Went back to see my endo who said I probably have some form of PCOS. Since then I had another high UFC- 400, high DHEA & 17ketosteriods. Now I'm bi-polar?!


Can't wait to get out to LA.


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