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Therapist & Thunderstorms

Elise T.


I saw my therapist today and told her all about yesterdays conversation with the endo. She wasn't surprised that he mentioned bi-polar and actually thought he'd say something sooner. She explained to me what bi-polar is- how people have these "highs" (mania) and "lows" (depression). She said that bi-polar disorder can also mask as other medical conditions and how he shouldn't be making this kind of diagnosis without ruling out the medical issues. She then asked me several questions and did a screening to satisfy the small part of me that wonders if maybe I am crazy! I answered yes to 4 of the questions. Come to find out you have to answer yes to 7 of the questions and you had to answer yes to #3, which I didn't. So, the good news is that I'm not bi-polar :(


We had major thunderstorm & flash flooding warnings today with some pretty good downpours. There was quite a bit of thunder & lightening. I love em. I've only lived in Texas for 9 months now, so I'm not used to them yet. They weren't a common occurrence in CA.


My mood is pretty good today. I'm pretty tired. I didn't eat anything until 3pm. I've loss my appetite again. This seems to come and go with my highs & lows. I am so glad that I'm not working right now. I couldn't imagine having to deal with the stress of my job on top of all of this. Looking forward to meeting Dr. F in LA on the 28th!


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