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Less than a week! OH MY!



Well it's next sunday the 10th that I head to NIH. I'm getting nervous. I wish I knew what to expect. I know to check in then it's a total mystery of what to expect. I need to start making a list of the lists of things I need to do. I was standing in line at the supermarket this evening and it hit me, this time next week I'll be at NIH. This is really not what I had in mind for a vacation this year, but I'm still excited about going. There's the fear that they will tell me that there's nothing wrong with me, that it's all in my head, to go home, lose weight and go on anti-depressents. like the other doctors, and I will still be sick and alone with no hope of ever being better. My sister says she's not going to die before I get back. I told her she better not or when I got to the other side she would pay. Things you can only say to a sibling. I'm so thankful that my Mother kept trying to have a son, other wise not only would I not be here but I wouldn't have 3 older sisters, who are inspite of being bossy, are still a major blessing.

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  • Chief Cushie

What questions do you have about what to expect? I've spent a LOT of time at NIH and can probably answer most of them. So can others who have been there.


Myra was just there last week - she usually comes to the chats, so if you come tonight, she might also and the two of you could talk.


I have a Music Camp at my church that I have to play for next week, in the afternoons. Since you're going to be at NIH for 2 weeks, I'll probably come the second week, if it's ok with you. I prefer to come in the afternoons to avoid rush hour traffic, and the testing at NIH and doctor visits are usually in the morning (but not always) so the afternoons usually work out better for me.


If you find that you'll be leaving sooner, I'll try to come one of the mornings instead, or over the weekend.


My number is 703-378-6805. Please call when you get there to leave your room phone number and your room number. If I'm somehow not here, we always have an answering machine on. I also have a cell phone, number 571-239-7352.


Looking forward to talking to you and meeting you soon!

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