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About Falling2Grace

  • Birthday 03/25/1988

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  • Location
    Coastal New Hampshire

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  1. Meeting with my PCP this afternoon, to go over bloodwork results

  2. Meeting with my PCP this afternoon, to go over bloodwork results

  3. Meeting with my PCP this afternoon, to go over bloodwork results

  4. Today I printed off some old photos and some new photos to show a progression. And i made a list of all of my Cushie symptoms. Bloodwork on tuesday. then to see my PCP hopefully in the next week or so...with a symptom list of nearly everything related (except Diabetes and high blood pressure), i pray i dont have to fight to get answers. My primary is very good, understanding, and always willing to hear me out. I think she thinks Cushings too...just worried it wont be that simple....

  5. Source: My ever growing hump...and subclavical fat pads.
  6. Source: Getting tested for Cushings...i think i had it as a child... Source: Getting tested for Cushings...i think i had it as a child...
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