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About FerolV

  • Birthday 02/09/1959

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    Charlotte NC USA
  • Interests
    light gardening, reading, church choir, 2 grown sons,

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  1. It has been a very long time since I dropped in here.
    My initial diagnosis was in spring of 2005, after nearly 15 years of "mystery diagnosis" with the variety of symptoms mimicking anything else. By the time I was working on the inevitable facial hair (fancy term "hirsutism") I had 9 out of 10 symptoms on the Cushing's list and several more not noted on any list. I did have surgery in Fall of 2005, a recurrence detailed and 2nd surgery 8 years later, with Gamma Knife 7 weeks later to eradicate any remaining cells. 
    Thankfully the pituitary remained functional, and nearly 20 years later, I am Cushing free and retired. 

    Mary O, I saw your occasional posts in the last couple of years. I hope you are in recovery from knee surgery and that other C. 

    1. MaryO


      Hi, Ferol - It's good to see you again with such good newsl  I'm so sorry you went through so much for so long, though.

      My knee surgery went well and now I'm considering doing the other knee.

      Happy retirement!

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