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AKA- Penny-is-weird-itis

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If wishes were horses... I would be the one with the shovel

Just another day in paradise... but there is a change in the air!! It is raining for the first time in months!!!!!   Oh, wait a second... if it rains the grass will grow... if the grass grows I will have to get it cut...   Sheesh, can't win for losing.   Ok, on to more important things....



Saw the Endo in the office for the first time yesterday

I saw my Endo for the first time in the hospital (thats one way to see them sooner, but I would not reccomend it) and yesterday I got to see the Endo for the first time in his office, and once again I almost burst into tears. It was probably one of the most positive if not THE most positive experiences I have ever had in a Dr's office.   Not once did he call me crazy... not once did he say I was just fat and anxious... hypochindriac was never even hinted at... nope. What he did say was "th



Another day in Paradise

Today I get a call from the Hospital... my lab tests have come back (the ones from the ER) and my fractioned metanephrines and a cortisol test both came back at 3x normal range... chances are my Endo will take these results with a grain of salt since there was some stress involved at the time of testing (being in the ER and admitted with chest pains)



When life gives you lemons, throw them at the wall... (I hate lemons)

Where to start where to start...   I am currently being tested for Pheochromocytoma and Cushings, my Endo (who I was supposed to see for the first time on Oct. 1st but saw instead while admitted to the hospital) seems to think that I am just super lucky and have BOTH of them... story of my life it seems because I have always been on the low side of the percentages.   Low side of percentages? (My own lil explination for the weirdness that is me)   If something has a very low percent chance



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