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I wrote a memoir about my experiences with Cushing's. An agent is interested but said I have to have a platform or a following before she will take me on. I need people to read my memoir installments, there will be four and then to follow me on my facebook author page to read more. I want this book to hit the commercial market so people will learn about Cushing's and how it affects us. I added my memoir to the Book Project section. Then I think Mary O may put it into my bio so you can read it there too. Thanks -  Not So Cushie. aka Janice Barrett 

Entries in this blog


On Dec 12th, I am speaking at a sold-out event and telling half of a funny story, then posting it on YouTube, To hear the rest of the story people have to go to my website which is all about Cushing's disease. Every day I see people who I am certain have Cushing's but don't know it. I want to reach these people and the general public. What title can I use for my video? I need your help with this. The story is much like Abbott and Costello's Who's on second, what's on third routine. But there has




Hi Cushies: Without alcohol, I felt like I was walking around in a brain fog dream state. Did anyone with Cushings disease notice that when they drank alcohol they could drink a much larger amount than ever before without getting a buzz or being drunk?  



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