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Mr Incredible...you are history!



Please, please save me from my 'Mr Incredible' hell. Got up this morning and Harry has his costume on again and yes he wasnts to watch the film...this is getting obsessive - I think its heading for the trash can...lol!!Phew...that was a close one - the incredibles have had their come uppance and have been replaced by Cats & Dogs...not that much more educationally challenging but still. I think we need some fresh air - its been raining here so is a bit grim outside however I have now registered on BookCrossing.com via the link MaryO had on her signature - it is a fantastic idea. I love books and can quite happily read a book cover to cover in a day if it is a page turner - I have just finished 'The Da Vinci Code' by Dan Brown and it was fantastic. Had no idea it was printed a few years ago and I hadn't heard of the film until after I started reading it. Ironically Tom Hanks and Ian McKellam are filming not far away from me in Lincoln Cathedral - the location looks perfect and I can guess which scenes that are filming from the coverage. In any case please log onto this site if you love books. The idea is to register books you love and want others to love and then label them up with a code and a brief message - the like a treasure hunt, leave them in a suitable place for another reader to find and keep track of it as it travels. I couldn't believe someone from my small home town had left a book so I am going to hunt it out. I think Harry and I might pop out and start releases some of my books. What fun!I am feeling really apprehensive about starting work tomorrow. Its been 15 months now since I worked and I can honestly say I am really scared and very anxious. I have a feeling I am going to get a panic attack before the night is over which is silly really as I will only be working 2 nights a week. I think its because the role they have given me works closely with the public. I know in my heart I am OK dealing with people now but that niggly feeling in the pit of my stomache keeps re-surfacing and making me feel so sick, my heart races, I go dizzy, its utter madness. Wish me luck!3pm - just got off the phone to my Mum, I am still feeling very rough as my post said between 12-3pm I have been getting dizzy spells, exhaustion and flutters in my heart as well as leg cramps and pains in my legs, very worrying. STill feel very tired now. Fortunately Harry is beyond the age of having early afternoon naps now so I don't even get the chance for some zzzz's. Boy I need some right now, I am wiped. Mum has asked if we want to move into her house. It would benefit us all financially but I know in my heart of hearts her and Steve would not get on and I would end up caught in the middle. It's a shame as we could do with paying out less and my Mum could do with the extra cash coming in.


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