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getting late



Olivia and I had a good morning as we went to the gym early. She went to the nursery to play with her friends and I worked out on my chest, triceps ,deltoids. I didn't do cardio because we had a tight schedule with gymnastics for Olivia before lunch. Olivia is doing great at her new gym. She used to take it at the YMCA where the instructor would pull out mats and bars on the basketball gym floor for the lesson. The new place is a real gymnastics only gym. It is huge with all new equipment and pads. While only two years and ten months she is quite athletic and head strong. Every lesson ends with hand stamps and a trip to the fancy gumball machine. After her nap and Hannah coming home at 3:00 we went to Olivia's Kindermusik class at 5:15. Hannah usually does the class with her while I sit beside them and try to do whatever they want me to do. Any day is a good day at Kindermusik where I do bot have to do a dance with a pink scarf. We also found out that her teacher, Ms. Jenny, is pregnant. To make a long story short the pregnancy thing brought up my sperm bank deposit which brought up Kookie and I having kids again. We have to renew the yearly fee if we still want it in storage if we still want to use it in the future. When I found out I might have my pit removed I also found out that no pit means no babies for me without very expensive injections with no guarantee. So I went to the bank and started an account. They did take my pit so my account has to remain open for the best chance of having kids. More kids, now that is a subject I will save for later.


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