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Feeling a bit better today...



I've managed to perk myself up a bit today. Mum and I made up last night and Steve and I have been having a laugh today. Mum took Harry shopping so it gave us some quality time together - sacred these days! Its been a relaxing day so far and each of us has been doing our own things as well as having a laugh together. Want more days like today. I don't feel so sad today, but to be honest I have been up and down for a while even though I have not mentioned much about it on the boards. I seem to have periods every few months where I post a thread about feeling so depressed that I thought I'd give it a break this time round. It always comes in fits and starts and only lasts a few days...actually when I am typing this I am actually wondering if it co-incides with when I would normally have a period. I haven't had one for over 2 years now and I used to always suffer frome depression a week before...its a thought anyway. I really need to get the progesterone replacements sorted out. My GP is waiting for my consultant to get back to him about a whole bunch of stuff. I might just give them a call next week - I have already emailed him, which I felt a bit funny about as I don't know if its considered the norm to email your consultant over here but I thought to hell with it, I'm getting tired of waiting around for my results. I think I have been paitient waiting 6 weeks so far. I really need to know what the hell is going on.I was going to go sown the allotment today but took one step outside and it was sooooo freezing, so decided against it and have just done all my ironing. What a life I lead!!


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