Testing time
Currently doing a 4-day Dex test. Started on Friday and will have a blood draw tomorrow (Tuesday) at 9am. Also doing 2 days of 24hr UFC collections. Felt really awful on the 1st day - awoke during the night shaking, couldn't regulate my body temperature, hot and cold extremes, sharp pains in a centralised area of the back of my head, feeling nauseous. Today I am feeling quite energised. I never know how to look at it, is this good, or is this a bad sign. Cushings can be so confusing whether you are pre or post-op.
I am going to the hospital with Mum today. She is having an ultrasound as she found a lump near her ribs some time ago. The Consultant thinks it might just be a fatty lump but wants to confirm with the scan. She has also found two lumps on her head which they are going to have a look at. Mum is tired an awful lot - she works very hard in a factory but she sleeps all the time and I don't think that is right. She is always complaining about aches and pains and illnesses of some sort yet she never gets herself checked out. I have been suspecting my Mum suffers from some sort of hormonal imbalance for some time. She has Diabetes (Type II - diet only), but doesn't follow a diabetic diet then again I don't follow one strictly.
I have made a decision to defer my nursing course to Spetember to give myself time to mend and adjust to any weaning. I want to be nearly 100% OK before I let myself loose on the wards. The Doctors said I should be OK to go on placement this month but I know what its like in recovery and I want to be confident that I won't suffer from over tiredness and I think I will find it hard to do 7 hour days right now. I am also going to try and change Universities as Steve and I are now applying for housing and we would like to live closer to Steves work. There is a University there and it was one I had considered originally but just wasn;t practical at the time. I am hoping the University will be understanding and allow me this opportunity - there is so much red tape you have to go through though. Makes me laugh as there is such a demand for nurses but they make things so difficult for you.
Well, its a chilly but very sunny day here today. I better get on and get ready as Mum will be back soon and I need to get Harry ready too.
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