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Just won a bid on E-bay for a bike. Hopefully will collect it at the weekend and I can start cycling to lose some pounds or build up the muscle. Steve and I have always fancied cycling at the weekends especially in the Summer as the countryside here is gorgeous. I am trying to bid for a bike for Harry as the one he has is too small. This is the first time I have bidded on e-bay - can get very addictive but I am making sure I have cut off points as I don't have alot of cash right now so trying to grab a bargain!


Steve is off today so hopefully after I have sorted a few things out we can go to the garden centre. I have been trying to do Mum's garden and need some bedding plants to spruce it up a bit. She has about a dozen nice pots but nothing to put in them.


Well, that's it fo rnow. It's 8:15am here and I need to get started...


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