I've woken up with such a bad headache, I feel so rough. It hurts across my forehead and behind my eyes. I'm trying to reduce my hydro by 5mg today as I was on 25mg around this time last time I was in recovery and personally I just feel I am on too much being on 30mg. My endo appointment was supposed to be at 6wks post-op but I am seeing my endo at 9-10weeks post-op. I can't wait that long....
Feeling very disheartened right now and need some serious cheering up. An old friend is visiting this afternoon so hopefully that should do the trick. Taken some lovely photos of Harry with my new camera. I am snap happy right now!! Much to the annoyance of my models!!
Just feeling so low again today, tearful, I feel sick, very nauseous and just downright in the dumps. I can usually pull myself out of the duldrums, but I can't today. I really hate this rollercoaster bit in recovery, up and down, up and down, drives me nuts. I feel so rough that I have cancelled seeing my friend today. I just don't feel up to seeing anyone right now.
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