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Battling the headaches



I broke down and went to the ER on Monday. All I could do was lay down and cry. It was the third day of it and much worse than my normal daily headache. :) I didn't realize they would only give me morphine and dilaudid (sp?), I thought they could give me a shot of something that would make it go away. Neither shot they gave me did much good, oh the morphine looped me - but I was still in a great deal of pain. :) The ER doc wanted to admit me for pain management, but I hate that 'high' feeling so I opted to go home. I have plenty of pain medication of my own, I don't need theirs. :(I woke up at 2am and *poof* the headache was gone! :) Then I woke up again at 7am and it was back. :) Two days later and I'm just starting to pull through. Ugh.I called my GP for my test results from my 1st UFC, I haven't heard back yet but I hope they call tomorrow.


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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

I'm sorry you are in so much pain. I can sympathize with you right now. That steroid shot they gave me did nothing but give me an awful headache and now that I took the prednisone...guess what here it comes again. :angry:

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