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Blog Comments posted by Synergy

  1. Hi melissa,


    I have just posted my blog too if u wanna read it too. I think, FRANKLY, ur doctor is being dismissive with you because she doesnt know enough about cushings. Its so common. I've just after a year of tests and determination found out I likely have Cyclical Cushings. I had to practically beg my endo to do the tests and MRI though. If I hadnt got my elevated cortisol at the moment I did Id have got a 2nd opinion, there was no way I wasnt trusting my gut. Seriously i feel ur pain and anguish. Coming on this board makes me both relaxed (knowing im not alone) and f*cking angry (excuse my language) but it PAINS me to see other people going through the same jingaling with these endocrinologists who think we're just eating crap all day and it's about weight loss. I told my endo I'd do as MANY urines as humanly possible to catch this and u know what she initially said - "no we have to keep the amounts right cos we cant have us sending loads into the labs" etc and I thought WHAT SIDE ARE U ON?! Anyway, after a lot of persuasion Ive finally got the biochemisty and we're in talks about surgery.


    Melissa...dont give up. I find music helps. Find some of ur favourite songs and play them whilst ur in the process of taking this further. Go back to that endo, ask her finally for more tests for CUSHINGS and nothing else and if she refuses get a 2nd opinion seriously, this is ur life we're talking about, dont let the doctors fool u into thinking ur imagining something is wrong okay? Id love to hear what u think on my story blog too. thanks xx

  2. Hi,


    I just recently posted my story too. I honestly think that u likely have a tumour but it's too small to be showing up on the MRI. In my research I've discovered that A LOT of cushing's patients adenomas are less than 8mm and when the Doctors get in there they find them. Sharmyn McGraw's tumour was too small then it showed up on another scan when it grew. I could be wrong but it seems like u have all the symptoms. I have just been told they think I have cyclical cushings which makes a lot of sense - I'm not always unwell and get frequent periods of normal biochemistry - this could be a possibility for u too? With this disease we all need to push the doctors and get them to test as as much as possible, thats what I've had to do and finally the results are paying of. Get them to do bloods and urines as much as possible, tell them you will do them at home (the urines and send into the labs). Beg them. xx

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