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Status Updates posted by squirrelgirl3

  1. Weirdest dream ever last night. It seems with every wean of the steroids, my mind goes to strange places when I sleep. I mean, how do you get from the doctor's office to Vegas??? LOL!! Off for a fabulous day with my sweet boy. He's ready for the park with Juliet Stevens Krummick and swimming again this afternoon.

  2. Oh, forgot to tell you all....not only is the weight continuing to go, but I haven't used Melatonin to help me sleep in about a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN SLEEP ON MY OWN!!!! Praise God for my returning health and normalizing body!!!!

  3. Fantastic Easter! Teaching the little ones was SO fun this morning. The teacher in me was released! We visited Patrick and my grandparents at the cemeteries and then CRASHED for a good nap. Mike's making some black bean & rice with sausage for dinner and we're taking it easy. What a wonderful day!

  4. He is Risen! Happy Easter everyone! We've already done baskets and found all the eggs within 30 minutes. LOVE having little man to do this with! Off to teach 3&4 year olds in Sunday school. Then, going to take an Easter Lily to my Patrick for his first Easter.

  5. It's birthday and Easter portrait day for Ryan! He will have spiky hair per his request so all you family members who ask "What happened to his hair?", this was HIS idea...lol!!! Easter Bunny visit and egg dying await us!

  6. is up to my ears in birthday party planning, but it's so much fun!

  7. Interesting start to my day. Took a wrong road, was late for cardiac rehab but got the scenic route! Then the fire alarm went off at the Heart Institute and we all evacuated. I finally got to start working out after 10 AM. Off to eat my Subway and watch my shows in the quiet. Better day today.

  8. The positive things are all around me, yet I am having a hard time seeing them. I'm feeling sad and discouraged all at the same time. Yet yesterday, I was motivated. I'm ready for this coaster to stop anytime. I'm just not feeling it anymore...

  9. Fighting discouragement this morning. I am so looking forward to egg hunting with Ryan today and hanging with my friends. This up & down roller coaster of emotions is draining.

  10. Motivated!! According to my cardiac rehab chart, I lost 6 lbs. last month!! Come on 140s...I see you!!!!! Yummy lunch at Chipotle, did some Easter basket shopping for my boy, and now it's time to pick him up and head for swim lessons.

  11. Getting back into the swing today. Cardiac rehab, Ryan has school, and then swimming lessons. Should be a busy, busy day, which is a good thing. I feel better than yesterday thank goodness!

    1. MaryO


      Sounds tiring - I hope it's going well!

  12. settling in for a night by myself...alone...in the quiet. Just me, some hot chocolate, and DWTS!

  13. Just not feeling it today. I'm run down and can't catch up it seems. Hopefully the afternoon goes well and I can get in bed early tonight. 9 more weans to go...I would just like to be normal again. So close...yet so far.

  14. Chillin in the driveway watching Ryan bike ride

  15. Putting an overtired boy to bed and then settling in for a quiet night.

  16. Nap time and then it's Easter Egg Hunt time!!

  17. Taking it easy today. Tomorrow starts a very busy week. Enjoying the peace while my boys are at Lowe's. Lots on my mind right now. I think I'll clean to distract myself.

  18. for the first time since November 2010, I can look in the mirror and see ME!!! Hello there! I've MISSED you dearly!!!

    1. 3v3


      This is so encouraging! Hope to join this club soon :-)

  19. Got My positive energy for today. Ryan said, "Mommy, you look like the old Mommy!". My heart melted. Nothing could be sweeter.

  20. Had a wonderful day today. So many things to be thankful for. I am going headstrong into tomorrow. Only 12 more weans to go! This last one was the worst. I have been depressed before, but this was almost unbearable. I am going to beat this!

  21. Monday chores done! My new weekly chore chart will hopefully lower my stress level. We even ran errands and got to spend some special time at Toys R Us and Petland for good behavior. We even managed a bike ride to feed the ducks. I'm starting a chore chart with Ryan and he's already excited. Picked it up at Staples this morning. He's very proud. Lunch complete and time for a little rest before tackling the afternoon.

  22. just a regular day at home. I'm cleaning & Ryan is playing with the cat. Off for a bike ride before the rain comes.

  23. On my way home. Ready to start over.

  24. having a good time with Mom & Dad. Mike & Ryan are here too with me. We decided on an impromtu family trip. Had a great time at the park this morning watching Ryan play. Ready for mullet & oysters tonight!

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