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Status Updates posted by squirrelgirl3

  1. when feeling low, nothing helps like Mom & Dad. Off to Perry I go....

  2. feeling a little better. In the silence, I have meal planned for the next 3 weeks. What a relief to have that done!

  3. So overwhelmed. Waiting for the weight to lift.

  4. A year ago today, I was rushed by rescue truck to the hospital in congestive heart failure. I have never been so panicked & scared in my life. I never felt like I was going to die, but the anxiety from the Cushing's was overwhelming. Thank you God for sparing my life and thank you Dr. Adam Waldman, the greatest cardiologist ever, for being on call that day. Because of them, I am still here! Today, I get to take my boy to preschool, go work out, and get groceries...ALL BY MYSELF! Never take a...

  5. I love a rainy night.....

  6. Pain pain go away!!! Darn these steroid weans. I had a very rough night and hurt so badly this morning. Feels like bad arthritis plus the flu. Taking it easy today and going to stay home with my boy. Thanks to Daddy who can stay home to help. Only 13 more weans to go.....sigh.....

  7. Me: "Ryan, do you need to go potty?" Ryan: "No." Me: "Aww, the potty will be sad if you don't use it." Ryan: "No it won't Mommy. It doesn't have a face." Me: "It still has feelings." Ryan: "No Mommy, see it's not alive and doesn't move." HOW CAN HE BE THIS SMART? LOL!!!!

  8. finished the grocery list & menu for next week & managed to get one room dusted. Not too bad! Off for another walk & bike ride this afternoon after quiet time.

  9. Yay for Club MOM today! Looking forward to hanging out with my friends sans kiddos!

  10. What a morning! Dentist & haircut for Ryan, Dr. appt. for me, & lunch with my sweet boy. Time for some rest! My surgeon was impressed with my progress and will see me again in June. He wants to try to do the cosmetic surgery to fix all the skin damage & hernia repair all in one surgery. Time & steroid withdrawal will tell the time table of when it will be able to take place. He also wants to see how much more weight I can lose on my own. 14 lbs and counting so far!

  11. best.day.ever!! Spur of the moment trip to Sea World, visit to the mall, & dinner at Carrabba's. This has been my strongest day yet. Thank you Lord for giving me so much fun with my family.

  12. Cardiac rehab, groceries, & hanging wiith my boys today.

  13. I find it quite ironic how the latest SmartSource coupon booklet says Heart Healthy at the top, yet the cover page is nothing but coupons for Steak n Shake!

  14. GOODBYE 190's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO!!! I will NEVER see you on the scale AGAIN!!! **happy dance all over the house** Down another pound. Mary Ann Moffitt Gallas, I hope you don't find this one...lol!!

  15. Happy 11 month heavenly birthday Patrick. Not a day goes by that I don't wish you were here playing with your brother. We love you little buddy!

  16. I must've been good lately. The boy NAPPED!!!

  17. off tot he park today with Ryan & friends. I vote for a nap later!

  18. ...and it ends perfectly too! My sweetie took me to dinner at my favorite restaurant. Even Ryan was good. Cards & Roses to complete my day. Perfect!

  19. ...and so far today has outdone last year by a million miles! I had a great workout and got to visit with my Aunt & Uncle for a couple of hours. Ran some errands and got my boy from school. And to think that last year I was a week away from cogestive heart failure....what a long way I have come!

  20. Snuggling with my little love before preschool. This day will SO outdo last Valentine's Day!!

  21. Just made a hair appt. for later this week. Oh I pray that Mickey can work a miracle with the little hair that I have right now! I'm excited for some pampering!

  22. Whew! First time I've sat down all day. Lots of cleaning & laundry done. It's been a good day so far. Time to rest while the boy hopefully naps. We are both worn our from the weekend.

  23. Home sweet home. Those Joe Joe's cookies hit the spot after dinner. Ready to settle in for Cupcake Wars. What a fantastic weekend!

  24. Heading down 75 to pick up Ryan. Great weekend with family at the wedding. I even got to shop at the brand new Trader Joe's!! Oh how I wish Orlando would get one. Enjoying life today.

  25. Wedding weekend in Naples! Dropping the boy off with Blondegrandma & off we go! Can't wait for some quiet in the car...LOL.

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