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Parathyroid Disease...

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

I have made a post in the Cyclical/Intermittent Cushings board but feel this will be of interest to all of you as this has A LOT of the same symptoms as Cushings and may be the answer for some, I hope it may be my answer, though it doesn't address ALL my issues, it's definitely worth looking at as a part of the jigsaw puzzle...I'm really excited about this!


This is not your normal thyroid gland...you have 4 of these glands, about the size of a grain of rice!


Parathyroid disease...symptoms....PLEASE READ!!!


Hope this may be helpful to some of you! :jumping:


Melanie XXX

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OMG! OMG! OMG! I'm totally excited too! I KNEW you'd figure something out! My first impression of you was right on...very intelligent!! I'm going back to reading more and studying up!

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  • Over 2000 Posts

The para-thyroid is so often overlooked.....that is one aea that has never been mentioned in 17 years & my new Endo said that it looks like I have problems there too.


The endocrine system is a complex system with so many overlapping symptoms.....and if you have more than 1 thing going on it can be a nightmare to try and un-tangle.


Good Luck!



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If a patient has documented bone loss, then this is usually the first thing they check. My parathyroid levels have always come back normal, which is why it seemed logical (at least to me) to pursue the diagnosis of Cushing's as an explanation for my osteoporosis. But you're right, they symptoms sure are similar.

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  • Over 2000 Posts

WOW. That's all I can say and now I will be bringing this to my docs attention. I was just diagnosed with osteopenia in my lumbar tho the rest of my bones are ok for now. I don't think they checked my calcium levels, but my Vit D was off and she just told me to take a vitamin with calicum & vitamin D. Thank you so much for at least bringing this to our attention!!

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