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  • Chief Cushie

The New Voice Chats / Internet Talk Radio / Podcasts


These are going much better than my wildest dreams!


We actually have a backlog of people who want to be interviewed. This is so cool.


I hope that non-Cushies will hear these as well as the current message board members and see themselves or a friend/family member and get the testing that they need.


This Week, Thursday May 1 at 8:30PM eastern (Note later time!)


Monica (Monicaroni) May 1 at 8:30 PM eastern (Note later time!) to talk about the challenges she's faced maintaining her music career while in testing and treatment. The Call-In number is (646) 200-0162.


Monica was diagnosed with Cyclical Cushing's. She had pituitary surgery in November 2006. An 8mm encapsulated pituitary tumor was removed.


Since there was no post-op crash, she also had a BLA in December 2006. Both surgeries were in Seattle. She is now free of Cushing's and am on the road to recovery!


Monica is a professional violinist.


Read Monica's bio

Listen to Monica's Archived Interview from March 27, 2008






Future Guests:



FerolV had pituitary surgery September 30, 2005. Her interview will be on May 8, 7:30PM eastern.


Jackie (samsmon) & Jordan: Cushing's in young people, the fight to diagnose, the amazing gift of a GOOD endocrinologist, May 15, 7:30.


Leslie, May 22, 7:30. Leslie had a pituitary tumor removed at the University Of Michigan. She has had a recurrence and has had Gamma Knife Radiation April 3, 2008.


Steve Owens (sowens) returns on May 29, 7:30. His topic will be building up support networks and using available agencies to get back to work (rehab, PT/OT, job coaches, etc).


Heather S, pituitary surgery on January 18, 2006 after years of medical problems, June 5, 7:30 PM.


Lisa (Ikho), date to be determined.


Copacabana, date to be determined.


Judy's Sister, date to be determined.


Stacey, date to be determined.


LynziMarie, date to be determined.


Dr. Dori Middleman, Psychophamacologist, Certified Gestalt Psychotherapist and Cushing's Patient, date to be determined. Interviewed by MaryO

DrDori has had both pituitary surgery and two gamma knife radiosurgeries


Dr. William Ludlam, Neuroendocrinologist, date to be determined.



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  • Over 2000 Posts

Wow you guys this is great!


Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to get this going, and to all of the brave souls that have been or are going to be interviewed!


Way to go! ;)



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