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Clinical Trial for Pit Tumor Treatment


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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

I'm watching this documentary on Stanislaw Burzynski and googled him and found this. He's in Houston. He's taken on the FDA and won and has reached the 3rd stage of clinical trials for his alternative treatments. He is endorsed by Suzanne Somers. He's saved a lot of people and prolonged their lives who had no hope otherwise. He is sponsoring this trial.


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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

I called his clinic and they say you have to have proof of cancer before he can treat you. How are you going to do that with adenoma's or are they only doing the trial on post surgical people with recurrences?

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

I called his clinic and they say you pretty much have to have proof of cancer before he can treat you. I'm not sure we ever really understood each other on that though. I think if you've had a recurrence and are told to have radiation or chemo then you'd probably qualify. They don't know if it works on non-cancerous adenomas and it is doubtful the FDA would approve treatment in that case and yet it says "acth secreting adenomas" and "TSH producing adenomas". They need your history of treatment, when, who diagnosed, if it was confirmed, if you had radiation or chemo and when, and what was your reaction to it, and your before and after MRI's. It takes less than a week after they receive your info to get approved or denied by the FDA. Given all that, this would be probably be limited to those with recurrences. The way I see it, you have nothing to lose. When it's in Phase II, that means they're testing the efficacy and that it's already been shown to do no harm. You could always have another surgery later if it didn't work I guess. This stuff he uses doesn't have the awful side effects of radiation and chemo. If you want more info on Dr. Burzinski you can check out 'Cancer is Serious Business". That's an expose on the FDA and TX Medical Board's attempts to shut him down after his inventions were proven to save lives. The email and phone number are on the first link I posted.

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It's weird because they mention ACTH producing adenomas but then say the study is for "serious or immediately life-threatening" tumors, which these type of adenomas usually are not -- at least in and of themselves (the excess cortisol production they stimulate is a different matter). Perhaps they mean fast-growing, invasive ACTH-secreting macroadenomas (like those in Nelson's Syndrome) that may require (or haven't responded to) radiation?


Thanks for the info, I'm glad to know about this type of treatment.

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

I know and I spoke to a doctor himself, not Burzinski, but one of his staff doctors. He's the one that gave me the info about the recurrence, radiation and chemo. I think somebody is confused along the line because most TSH and ACTH adenomas aren't cancer or don't spread if they are. I didn't know that the macro secreted. But if I'd had surgery before and was thinking of having another, I'd definitely try it. I wish the qualifications were different because I'd try it myself. He's helped a lot of people.

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Wow...I was really surprised to see this post. My Mom had told me about him well over 5 years ago because she's always been interested in new developments in health. Never even thought to seek him out a few years later when I got sick. I'm glad to see he's still out there helping people!

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