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? Cushing's in 15 yo male

Guest Jess8782


Guest Jess8782

Hello, - a little back story. I have a 15 year old son who over the past couple of years has gained 60 pounds and has increasingly become angry, depressed, anxious- to the point where he was having thoughts of suicide. We went to a behavioral health specialist who put him on anti-anxiety meds, but his aggression has become worse and worse. I literally found myself last week saying, never in my life would I think this kid would act so violently towards me or his siblings. He was a good, sensitive kid. His mood can change in the blink of an eye. He also is very withdrawn and anxious to the point where he now does online school. We have contributed all of this to puberty and life experiences, just typical teenage stuff... but last week, when i was able to actaully have him come out of his room... i noticed a "lump" on the top of back, base of the neck. I am not sure if a buffalo hump can be caused by playing video games and sitting in a computer chair for 18 hours a day? Or if this is considered a buffalo hump??  I have attached pictures.....



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(15547 unread) - jessicathibeau@yahoo.com - Yahoo Mail.mhtml

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  • Chief Cushie

Jess, I'm so sorry you're going through this :(

Off the top of my head - and I'm not a doctor - this doesn't sound like Cushing's.  I'm wondering if some of his issues could be side effects for the anti-anxiety meds he's on

Teen years can be an issue but this sounds like more than normal.  Can you go back to the doctor who prescribed the meds and see if there's something that won't make things worse?

Unfortunately, your photo links don't include photos but email text.  I can remove those links, if you wish.  If you email those photos to cushingshelp@gmail.com I'd be happy to post them for you.

Best of luck to you!

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My then teen  had this and also had stretch marks and trouble breathing. We had some testing done and he did have low testosterone. They would not help him. He had the same weight gain the. He is now almost 275 lbs and now he wont test for cushings.  Maybe get some labwork and see whats going on. I am in remission of cushings.

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  • Chief Cushie

Kim, why won't your son test for Cushing's?  I hope he will get some help, too.

Congratulations on your own remission :)


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