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Current Study Opportunities

We have hundreds of studies open for patients and caregivers! Some of the studies we are working to fill immediately are listed below.

1. If you are already a member of Rare Patient Voice and want to be considered for a study listed below, please contact study.inquiries@rarepatientvoice.com

2. If you are NOT a member, please click here to complete the sign-up process and include all medical conditions to be considered for one or more of the studies below and any other relevant studies.

Please feel free to share this page with friends or family who might be interested!


United States


Growth Hormone Deficiency, Noonan Syndrome, Small for Gestational Age (SGA) patients and caregivers United States
90-150-minute in-person interview, compensation is $180-$300

Growth Hormone Deficiency patients and caregivers (3-12 years) United States
45-minute web-assisted phone interview (WATI) + COD (confirmation of diagnosis), compensation is $125


Frequently Asked Questions

Why sign up with Rare Patient Voice?
Who knows better than you about your journey and experiences? We connect you with researchers who are developing products and services which can help you and others with your condition. These researchers need patient input so that they develop products and services that have a meaningful impact on patients’ lives.

How will I be paid?
As of January 1, 2023, you will earn $120 per hour for participating in new studies. We pay by check to ensure patients can use their compensation in any way they wish.

About Rare Patient Voice
Rare Patient Voice connects patients and caregivers with researchers who are developing products and services to help you and others with your condition. RPV has paid patients and family caregivers over $10 million dollars since 2013 for participating in research studies.

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