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anybody out there

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AnyBody OutThere Yet?

It me again I am still searching for that person who knows what i have been through. Being Inflickted with this sice I was 18 months old. Dealing with migraines, breast cancer, lung cancer, chest wall sarcoma, depression, mood swings , non existant sex drive wanting a baby and being told it's not likely to happen. and I'm only 38yrs old. been in more comas as a child can't even count them all kidney stones 3 times so far. Severe cellulitus, which turned into an addrenal crisis. thank you



any body out there?

Hi My name is Kelly and I have been living without adrenals for 37years. For most of my life I thought I was the only one out there . I am just starting to see that I am not. I would love to chat with anyone who can actually say they know what I have delt with growing up with out adrenals. as far as I know I was the youngest to ever have the surgery. Which is great because it paved the way for others to be able to get treated. but It is still lonely never knowing or talking to anther person



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