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My Story

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Hormone List

My current diagnosis is secondary adrenal insuff and diabetes inspidus.   Here's my current list including the changes I want to make or just made:   Hydrocortisone (generic) 12.5 mg@ 7 am; 2.5 mg@noon; 2.5 mg @4 pm and 2.5 mg during/aftrer exercise (whatever time I do it)   acto-vial cortef 100mg Im in an emergency (I say this because I have had a bunch and some docs use dex for emergencies, does not work fast enough for me)   Prednisone 3 1/2 mg am 1 mg pm for five days after use of st



I Keep Forgetting-Head Full of Fog

Well, I was off to a good start, then my blog kinda fizzled, but here are the highlights: 9/08 through 3/09 I had Five Pituitary surgeries. I am very fortune to live close to an amazing cutting edge nuero-surg doc. He is able to plane away small sheets of pit tissue until he finds the adenoma and then remove just the amount necessary to achieve a cure. Well, he did this on each surgery, unfortunately, I had tumor material all through my pit. The ACTH secreting adenoma was in the posterior p



Here is my story

I am 34 and started to have BAD symptoms that took me to a doctor in January of 2007. I told my PCP that I was gaining weight, was fatigued, in pain, no energy, hair falling out, dry skin and felt lousy! She said eat less and exercise more. Here's the problem: I am a personal trainer, competative power lifter and certified nutritionist. I am very active, spend about two hours a day lifting weights and an hour on cardio. I keep track of everything I eat and KNOW that I should not be gaining weigh



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