Captain's Log-Day 14 no sleep, and lots of dog fighting
I can't believe the insomnia lately. Usually I don't have a subjective sense of tiredness, so it doesn't really bother me. I can stay up and find some random thing to do, laundry, dishes, online poker, or just stare at the ceiling pondering the meaning of life. But after 14 days of only 2-4 hours of sleep a day, even if you don't feel tired, you start to feel tired, ya know what I mean?
And right now I am dealing with teenage dogs, and they are driving me just about crazy!! I have a 2 year old black lab/pitbull mix. Everyone tells me what a beautiful dog she is, she has the most gorgeous coat. Well about 10 months ago I got a new puppy, she is a shepherd/chow mix (not uite the beauty her sister is, but special in her own way). My lab is pretty much full grown and topped out at about 65lbs. Well the puppy turns a year old in a few weeks and she is about 70-75lbs, and I figure will probably add 10-15 more before she reaches her full adult weight. So the lab has decided to revert back to her wild pack instincts, and has started randomly attacking the larger puppy, just to remind her that she is the alpha dog. What is funny is that my puppy has such a submissive attitude even if she weighed 100lbs, I think she would roll over and show her belly. But now every time I leave I have to crate them in separate crates, and keep a pot and metal spoon handy in the house as well as a squirt bottle in case a tussle breaks out in the house. I can't wait until I have human teenagers!!! By then the dogs will be to old to sic on the kids!
It is another hot night in Tucson. How I wish I had the motivation/strength/eyesight/gas money to go for a drive up Mt. Lemmon, and gaze up at the stars from the cool mountain air. Instead, I have the cooler on, windows closed, and am settling for Law and Order and puppy kisses. G'night!
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