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My Random Musings

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Kids bring a smile to your face

I got a beautiful surprise when I woke up this morning. Katelynn had left me a message last night that she had presents from me, and this morning she knocked on my door looking about to burst. She had a Christmas card that she had "adapted" into a "good-luck-on-your-surgery-card," and she had made me a bracelet, and she gave me one of her favorite stuffed dogs. She promised to be my nurse and take care of me after my surgery. I was so proud of her, and just gave her a huge bear hug. Then to



Poker, and other people's children

I play poker almost every weeknight. Texas Hold'em. I really enjoy playing, and am pretty good if I do say so myself. I like going there because for a few hours I feel half-way normal, I get to flirt and joke, and be young. Lately though I have been very exhausted and my muscles have been very sore, so I have been using my wheelchair a lot. People then look at me a lot different. You know I don't want people's pity, and when I am using the chair, for some reason I become even more stubborn



Captain's Log-Day 14 no sleep, and lots of dog fighting

I can't believe the insomnia lately. Usually I don't have a subjective sense of tiredness, so it doesn't really bother me. I can stay up and find some random thing to do, laundry, dishes, online poker, or just stare at the ceiling pondering the meaning of life. But after 14 days of only 2-4 hours of sleep a day, even if you don't feel tired, you start to feel tired, ya know what I mean?   And right now I am dealing with teenage dogs, and they are driving me just about crazy!! I have a 2



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