Need some more info please
Well I just noticed that the last blog I wrote was in June of this year. I am happy to report that since then there have been some MAJOR happenings. I finally got fed up with all of the tests that my endo here was doing without any results, so I asked her to please refer me to John's Hopkins in Baltimore. I had been doing alot of research, and they seemed to be an excellent place for someone like me to find some answers. Well I had my first appointment with my new doctor in August. She ordered some blood work, another 24 hour urine test, and a new test which I hadn't heard of. This test had me chew on a piece of cotton at 11 pm two nights consecutively. Apparantly it reads the amounts of ACTH in your saliva.
Any way, as usual my levels came back high, so she decided that she wanted me to have an MRI at their facilities. The prior 5 MRI's that I had done here at our hospital had all come back negative. I had just had one done a month prior to my appointment at Johns Hopkins, but she wanted to have it done there, and let them read the results themselves.
Well I had the MRI at 7am on a Monday morning, and at 1pm that same day, My doctor called me and told me that they had spotted the small tumor on the left pituitary gland. She also informed me that after going over my blood work and urine tests that I also had "Central Hypothyroidism" which means that my thyroid wasn't working properly either. She put me on 100mg of synthroid to combat the thyroid problem, and sent my information on to the Neurosurgery department so that they could call me to schedule an appointment. I know it sounds weird to some people that I am happy to have a brain tumor, but after almost 4 and 1/2 years of tests after test after test, and no results, I am sooooo glad to finally have some answers. I have my consultation with the neurosurgeon on November 23 to schedule the surgery. I know this is just the beginning of my recovery, but at least I know now that there will be a recovery. I am hoping that someone who might read this has been through this surgery already and could give me a little insight. How bout it.......anyone reading this who has had this surgery, that might be able to give me a heads up on what to expect. Not a doctors point of view, but someone who has actually been through it and knows what it's like. I am told by my doctor that they will be doing the removal through the sinus passages in my head, so they won't need to cut into anything. I am also wondering about recovery. Will I ever be able to lose this weight? Help I have a million questions.
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