On December 12th, I am speaking at a sold-out event. I am telling half a funny story and posting it on YouTube. If people want to hear the rest they have to visit my website which is all about Cushing's. Everyday, I see people with Cushing's that don't know they have it. I want to reach these people and the general public to make them aware of our disease. I need a title for this video and am looking for your suggestions. The story is similar to the Abbott and Costello routine of Who's on first and What's on second. So far, I thought of: Is it obesity or Cushing's Disease? What would you suggest as an attention getter? When I post this video, I need your support to view it and go to my website to hear the rest of the story. If you could share the video and ask family and friends to do the same I would appreciate that. Wouldn't it be great if this went viral. So many people would learn about Cushings. WE can make this happen if we involve enough people. Lets go for it. Thanks again. Looking forward to those new titles..