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Blog Entries posted by joyce

  1. joyce
    I think that waiting for answers to medical problems is very hard. I am going to Endo. Sept. 6, 2007 and don't know what kind of test will be done. I know that my body is not like it should be and that I am carrying around an extra person with my weight. I Know that I have a empty sella and that I am missing part of the Pituitary gland. I have been told that Endo Doctors do only basis testing so just what am I too expect? Who is a good Neuroendo. Doctor? I am willing to travel and what tests will be done? There is no Neuroendo. specialist as I know of here in Greenville. I am full of questions and no answers and no one to talk to. So I am depressed and anious and waiting.
  2. joyce
    I just can't find any answers of where I am, what I should expect or the best Doctors, so I will blog I guess.
    I think that the more I think about what can be the matter and not knowing which way to go just depresses me. I know there is a lots of people a lots worst than me and I pray that they will find the help they need. I just wish I could understand me and then maybe I could help others too. I know God has left me here for a reason and a purpose because I tried to leave this body when I had a second Heart Attack but God told me "I am not Finished with you" and I was back in my body. So now I am here and he will work all of it out.
  3. joyce
    I know that with me that there is a fighing soul that won't let me quit. God is on my side and he will direct me to the right Doctors and he will show them what to do. If I wrote a testimony you would see how far I have came.
    Life sometimes is what you make it. We have the freedom of making choices with our life. There are many valleys and a lots of hills but I grow everyday. As God has told me he is not finished with me. I now see this. There is a lots that has to be done before I go.
    I really think that as the human part of me I was not suppose to be here. In fact I have had a couple of Doctors say this. They cannot explain my blood mess up but God has it under control.
    Personal life with husband and son is very stable but my family and inlaws have nothing to do with us. We are not rich enough or live on the right side of town. I am also an embaraement to my sister as she only see me as a fat person with a little house. It is sad but God knows why.
    If anyone reads this then you see sometimes you have to let things out of your system and really look at who you are. I am fine and God is with me.
  4. joyce
    Well I finally found a Doctor that thinks something is wrong with me beside being overwight. I had my first appointment on May 2, 2008 at MUSC with Dr. J. Fernandes. I found out about her from Dr. F"s website from Cal. He recommends her for people would cannot and does not have the opportunties to go to California.
    I through at first my appointment was doomed, because we went out to the car that morning from the motel and our battery was dead. We found a person from motel and we jumped it off and then almost ran out of gas gettingg there. So you can see why I throught his was not going to be a good day. To my surprize it was a good day. I like the Dr., her staff and she took one look at me and told me you look cushie. She said she was going to get started on testing and she would get to the bottom of this. So my journey has began. Randy is going to go with me tomoorow and then Tuesday I will take 24 hour urine back to lab, after taking 1mg of Dex at 11pm on Monday night . Blood draw Tuesday at 9am. Also I will have a MRI of Pituitary gland at 10 am.
    I am sure I will be adding a lots to my blog as time goes by.
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