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down a few spoons

My energy is so limited sometimes....well all the time. I still do things....like I went out last night with my bf and his friends for bf's b-day. it was fun. we had a nice time. today im not good for anything. my house is a mess. i cant seem to get ahead of it. i guess cause i don't choose to spend my spoons on cleaning the house. i hate living with the limitations of what this disease has left me with. more than that, i hate that no one understands. it just looks like i'm lazy.



battle with depression

i have been off anti-depressants for a few months. my psychiatrist said maybe i dont need them and to go ahead and try it without. i'm ok, but then again...not really. i always feel on the verge of tears. i am very anxious about lots of things and worry incessantly. it is hard to enjoy things because of my sadness. Although i dont have much to be sad about. my physical limitations make me sad. i am almost always in pain....my back/neck/shoulder/arm/head. many days i am nauseated. i go




Today a nice thing happened....A few weeks ago i received a call from my neurosurgeon's office asking if i would be willing to speak to a pituitary tumor pt that was going to be having gamma knife soon. Apparently she was anxious about the procedure...as most would be, right?! I agreed and then received a phone call from her a few days later. We had a very nice conversation and I told her of my experience and passed on a few tips that i could manage to remember.Anyway....I got another call fr



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