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Status Updates posted by maxhirez

  1. I'm not mad at God. I'm mad at everyone who's ever told me what to expect of God.

    1. betseebee


      Nothing gets in the way of a relationship with God more than religion.

  2. Since we're always congratulating each other on "high" test results, how come no one said they were sorry to hear about my normal ones after my operation? ;-)

    1. BabeInCaptivity


      Are you taking any oral steroids?, if so , how do they tst? and what is considered normal then?

    2. maxhirez


      No steroids needed.


  3. Is that Wolfwood? I loved him.

  4. That is a cute puppy!

  5. Got cleared for all activity from the surgeon and ran 2mi tonight.

    1. saberlowe


      Nice! How far out from surgery are you? I was jogging within a week of my pituitary surgeries, tho it was probably a bit ill advised :)

    2. maxhirez


      Thanks! I was 6 weeks post-. I had hoped to be jogging on New Year's Day (The surgery was two days before Christmas Eve) but I was expressly prohibited from doing so by the surgeon.

      I am JEALOUS!

    3. JenH


      Glad you are feeling well enough to run! :)

  6. Seriously, nice work on "Loser."

  7. I would like one day where I don't have a reminder that my body is trying to kill me.

  8. Why do I only get the flu in the years that I get vaccinated against it?

  9. Have I told you lately how awesome you are?

  10. My, you certainly look lovely in that photo! I don't believe you're 53!

  11. 10 days post-op and I just walked my 3.5 mile circuit in 0 degree windchill Iowa weather. I feel pretty good so far.

  12. Stay awesome you gorgeous thing, you! Happy New Year!

  13. It turns out the only reason most things taste good is the sodium.

    1. betseebee


      Yes, I agree completely.

  14. no matter how small the hospital is, the hallways in it are the longest you will ever walk down.

  15. carving up "Terry the tumor" like today's turkey!

  16. Trick or treat joke: Q:How many cushies does it take to screw in a lightbulb? A: F*@

    1. Chrysta
    2. Nancy62


      Too funny thanks for lightening up the day!

    3. Szolie
  17. Another round of high and low dose Dex testing.

    1. Nancy62


      What is Dex testing? I'm newly pre diagnosed and so don't know this terminology.

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