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peaches last won the day on August 27 2010

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  1. I get over here every now and then. How have you been?

  2. I just stopped by to see if you were still around here! I need to come back more often!!

  3. Hope your post op is going well!!!

  4. Thank you again for the time you have taken with me.


  5. Makes me wonder as well. I had a progesterone only IUD and that is when my symptoms started but who knows. Could this be why more and more women are being diagnosied with Cushings? here is a short article: http://www.find-health-articles.com/rec_pu...-s-syndrome.htm
  6. http://www.drugs.com/sfx/medroxyprogestero...tml#system_6203 Medroxyprogesterone Side Effects Brand Names: Provera, Depo-Provera, depo-subQ provera 104, Depo-SubQ Provera 104 Please note - some side effects for Medroxyprogesterone may not be reported. Always consult your doctor or healthcare specialist for medical advice. You may also report side effects to the FDA at http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/ or 1-800-FDA-1088 (1-800-332-1088). Ads by Google SEROQUEL ? Facts (quetiapine fumarate) Get The Facts And See Prescribing Information www.SEROQUELFACTS.com Side Effects Research Side Effects. Understand Side Effects Better! OnlineWide.com/Side-Effects For the consumer Medroxyprogesterone Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension (subcutaneous) For the professional Medroxyprogesterone By body system Endocrine side effects Metabolic side effects Genitourinary side effects Oncologic side effects Cardiovascular side effects Musculoskeletal side effects Dermatologic side effects Nervous system side effects Gastrointestinal side effects Hepatic side effects Hematologic side effects Hypersensitivity side effects Local side effects Ocular side effects Psychiatric side effects Side Effects of Medroxyprogesterone - for the consumer Medroxyprogesterone All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Medroxyprogesterone: Acne; changes in menstrual flow, including breakthrough bleeding, spotting, or missed periods; dizziness; drowsiness; fever; headache; hot flashes; nausea; nervousness; pain; rash; sleeplessness; stomach pain; weakness; weight gain or loss. Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Medroxyprogesterone: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); chest pain; depression; lumps in the breast or under the armpits; partial or complete loss of vision or changes in vision; shortness of breath; slurred speech; sudden loss of coordination; sudden or severe headache; swelling of fingers or ankles; tenderness, pain, or swelling of the calf; weakness, numbness, or pain in the arms or legs; yellowing of the skin or eyes. Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension: Acne; dizziness; drowsiness; fever; headache; hot flashes; nausea; nervousness; pain, redness, and swelling at injection site; sleeplessness; weakness. Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension: Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); blood clots; changes in menstrual flow, including breakthrough bleeding, spotting, or missed periods; chest pain; mental or mood changes; partial or complete loss of vision or changes in vision; severe dizziness or fainting; severe stomach pain; shortness of breath; slurred speech; sudden loss of coordination; sudden or severe headache or vomiting; swelling of fingers or ankles; unusual weight gain or loss; weakness, numbness, or pain in the arms or legs; yellowing of the skin or eyes. Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension (subcutaneous) All medicines may cause side effects, but many people have no, or minor, side effects. Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension (subcutaneous): Acne; changes in menstrual flow, including breakthrough bleeding, spotting, or missed periods; dizziness; drowsiness; fever; headache; hot flashes; nausea; nervousness; pain; rash; sleeplessness; stomach pain; weakness; weight gain or loss. Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Medroxyprogesterone Injectable Suspension (subcutaneous): Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); blood clots; chest pain; depression; partial or complete loss of vision or changes in vision; shortness of breath; slurred speech; sudden loss of coordination; sudden or severe headache; swelling of fingers or ankles; weakness, numbness, or pain in the arms or legs; yellowing of the skin or eyes. Top For the professional Medroxyprogesterone See BOXED WARNINGS, WARNINGS, and PRECAUTIONS. Because clinical trials are conducted under widely varying conditions, adverse reaction rates observed in the clinical trials of a drug cannot be directly compared to rates in the clinical trials of another drug and may not reflect the rates observed in practice. The following adverse reactions have been reported in women taking progestins, including Medroxyprogesterone acetate tablets, without concomitant estrogens treatment: 1. Genitourinary System Abnormal uterine bleeding (irregular, increase, decrease), change in menstrual flow, breakthrough bleeding, spotting, amenorrhea, changes in cervical erosion and cervical secretions. 2. Breasts Breast tenderness, mastodynia or galactorrhea has been reported. 3. Cardiovascular Thromboembolic disorders including thrombophlebitis and pulmonary embolism have been reported. 4. Gastrointestinal Nausea, cholestatic jaundice. 5. Skin Sensitivity reactions consisting of urticaria, pruritus, edema and generalized rash have occurred. Acne, alopecia and hirsutism have been reported. 6. Eyes Neuro-ocular lesions, for example, retinal thrombosis, and optic neuritis. 7. Central Nervous System Mental depression, insomnia, somnolence, dizziness, headache, nervousness. 8. Miscellaneous Hypersensitivity reactions (for example, anaphylaxis and anaphylactoid reactions, angioedema), rash (allergic) with and without pruritus, change in weight (increase or decrease), pyrexia, edema/fluid retention, fatigue, decreased glucose tolerance. The following additional adverse reactions have been reported with estrogen and/or progestin therapy. 1. Genitourinary System Abnormal uterine bleeding/spotting, or flow; breakthrough bleeding; spotting; dysmenorrheal/pelvic pain; increase in size of uterine leiomyomata; vaginitis, including vaginal candidiasis; change in amount of cervical secretion; changes in cervical ectropion; ovarian cancer; endometrial hyperplasia; endometrial cancer. 2. Breasts Tenderness, enlargement, pain, nipple discharge, galactorrhea; fibrocystic breast changes; breast cancer. 3. Cardiovascular Deep and superficial venous thrombosis; pulmonary embolism; thrombophlebitis; myocardial infarction; stroke; increase in blood pressure. 4. Gastrointestinal Nausea, vomiting; abdominal cramps, bloating; cholestatic jaundice; increased incidence of gallbladder disease; pancreatitis; enlargement of hepatic hemangiomas. 5. Skin Chloasma or melasma that may persist when drug is discontinued; erythema multiforme; erythema nodosum; hemorrhagic eruption; loss of scalp hair; hirsutism; pruritus, rash. 6. Eyes Retinal vascular thrombosis, intolerance to contact lenses. 7. Central Nervous System Headache; migraine; dizziness; mental depression; chorea; nervousness; mood disturbances; irritability; exacerbation of epilepsy, dementia. 8. Miscellaneous Increase or decrease in weight; reduced carbohydrate tolerance; aggravation of porphyria; edema; arthalgias; leg cramps; changes in libido; urticaria, angioedema, anaphylactoid/anaplylactic reactions; hypocalcemia; exacerbation of asthma; increased triglycerides. Top By body system Endocrine side effects Cushing's syndrome is uncommon and appears to be associated with a long duration of therapy and moderate to high doses of medroxyprogesterone. Doses used for hormonal replacement therapy and for long-term contraception are not associated with Cushing's syndrome. Medroxyprogesterone has mild glucocorticoid activity. In cases of medroxyprogesterone-induced Cushing's syndrome, low cortisol and adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) levels with a reduced pituitary-adrenal reserve have been documented. Acute adrenal insufficiency may ensue following withdrawal of medroxyprogesterone. Endocrine side effects have included breast tenderness, galactorrhea with or without hyperprolactinemia, prevention of lactation, hirsutism, and Cushing's syndrome.
  7. I haven't seen your smiling face around. Just curious how you are doing after your surgery?

  8. Long Islander, what part?

  9. Thanks for the advice. I've often thought many girls on the site should become endo's your headed that way..lol. I will take your advice and see about a 3t mri, even if I have to pay for it.

  10. Thank you for your kind words:)

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