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Cnn - Med page dated March 25th

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Talking about taking 25-Prescription topical corticosteroids...


The suppression can lead to debilitating and potentially fatal conditions such as Cushing's syndrome.


To read more click HERE



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Char, sometimes things happen that are just a pure and simple blessing. Your finding this article is one. My husband has been having severe problems for about a month. He's had blood tests out the wazoo, and since his doctor is my doctor, the doc thinks there's no way he could have Addison's and says that I'm paranoid (which I sorta am). But every time hubby describes his problems, how he feels, I tell him that's how I am every day and I can totally relate.


Anyway, he is seeing a rheumy tomorrow. He also has some skin problems (dermoid lupus, rosacea) and has been using a rx 2.5% hydrocortisone cream on his face, topical. So you can imagine I read this article with much, much interest.


How amazing is it that this could be hubby's problem? And that if it was some person on the board I'd be able to figure out the problem, but not when the problem is attached to someone I live with. I printed the article and this will be going with him to the doctor tomorrow.


So thank you - there are little miracles in every day. I'll keep you updated if this is the problem but it sure fits. What a total blessing that this came up right before his appointment.

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Well I certainly hope it helps.

I can't even remember why I was on CNN's page today? Good stuff and I hope it gets him closer to feeling better.


But what would one do if you are getting adrenal insuffcient? Like what do you do to fix the pit axis problem? I mean if you don't have a tumor, and it is just malfunctioning, what happens then if you are having problems with using the steroids? Something like licorice root or a herb to help get your adrenals going?


I am so confuzed about all this. I know I suffer with adrenal insuffciency, there is NO doubt, I get so tired and achey but not enough to take a replacement steroid, and I have wondered for awhile now what I could do to get the pit, (if that is the problem) to start working again. Oh sigh sigh sigh.




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I don't have any certain answers to your questions, but, I believe that with AI of any kind, you need steroid replacements, at least temporarily.

Hopefully someone who knows what they are talking about will jump in soon B)

I'm sorry you are still feeling crappy. I do know what that's like!!



Please tell Brian that I wish him luck at this appt and hope that it's nothing too serious



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I don't have any hard and fast answers, but my gut says that you'd probably have to tought it out - kinda like hubs is doing now. I'd think that it would be a bad idea to replace with steroids, which could cause permanent AI. I think this is what they call being between a rock and hard place :huh:

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Yep, and thanks for your reply Shauna. I figured that. I am also counting on the average of about 18 months to feeling somewhat normal.


I don't know if we actually start to feel better or do we learn to live with feeling this way? I know I toughed out my pain in my neck from my ruptures and just deal with it. Maybe that is what happens with this other stuff. We just get USE to it? Go on with life? I hope that it is THAT this stuff does go away, and I hope that it is true that the tougher the recovery the BETTER the cure!


Thanks again for the reply! You have helped me over hurdles before and once again I just have to reason it all out and say, "baby steps" and I will get there!




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