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Cushing Comic strip?

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Did you see the comics today? In Rex Morgan, M.D., it talks about his golf pro praising him because he saved his life when he had a BENIGN BRAIN TUMOR!

Do you think it's possible???? I'm so excited! What do you think????

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

However, when I had my appt with my neurosurgeon, he did call it a brain tumor, and I've seen a few references to it that way as well....my fingers are crossed!

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  • Over 2000 Posts

In the UK it's classed as a primary brain tumour for stats interestingly. Pit tumours make up about 10% of primary brain tumours in the UK.

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  • Over 2000 Posts

I've always been told that I have a 'benign brain tumour' by all of my consultants and my neurosurgeon...?!!

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  • Chief Cushie

Dr. Vance always says that it's not a brain tumor. Her answer to Is a pituitary tumor a brain tumor?

The pituitary gland is NOT in the brain and pituitary tissue is different from brain tissue. Since the pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and is connected to the brain by a thin stalk, there is often confusion, particularly by insurance companies, about the classification of a pituitary tumor. A pituitary tumor is NOT a brain tumor.

However, when I'm talking to almost anyone I will tell them I had a brain tumor. Everyone knows where the brain is and too few know where the pituitary is.


If I have more time, I'll give them the full works so they know for sure where the pituitary is :)

I wouldn't think so, since a pituitary tumor is not a brain tumor.


On the other hand... if so many doctors have trouble with this stuff, a cartoonist might make the same mistakes they do (unless he comes here! LOLOL).


Rex Morgan is still going??? I remember that from my childhood, about a century ago :(

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Seems to me when I saw the brain tumor registry, they also classified the pituitary tumor as a brain tumor....hum...I don't care as long as he talks about Cushings....it's going to be what he's thinking...tune in tomorrow....and ya know, Rex Morgan MD never gets any older...still a good lookin' hunk....lol

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Ok, I started to wonder...is it or not? I checked the Brain Tumor Registry, and it is listed as a brain tumor. The Presidents message says in 2004 the Public Law 107-260 mandated MPCr to collect data on all primary brain tumors from most of the US. CBTRUS-Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States, has many different tables with the median age, Non-malignant Male/Female, whites/blacks, etc. Also the CBTRUS has estimated new cases include all primary malignant and non-malignant tumors of the brain, central nervous system, pituitary and pineal gland, olfactory tumors of the nasal cavity. So what can I say? Look at the website and see what you think.

It is easier to say brain tumor...as opposed as trying to tell someone where the pituitary is....

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

So watch Rex Morgan, MD, let's see what HE has to say about it! lol (my fingers are still crossed Lynne...)

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Ok, today's strip mentioned the brain tumor again, and how Rex Morgan goes the extra mile for his patients....tune in tomorrow (and probably this time in April!)

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  • Over 2000 Posts

My new great PCP calls it a pit. tumor& so does Dr. Ludlum. But they both refer to my surgery as "brain surgery".


Before that no one would even discuss my tumor, so who knows!!!!


Have a Great day everyone!

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I believe the doctor that spoke on the video.......the doctor from Semmes Murphy Clinic in Memphis ......said "she had a brain tumor"......that caught my ear as I too, have heard both. It is a brain tumor, it isnt a brain tumor?


Now I have to go back and listen to that tape again...........


Still plan to leave Thursday morning for Austin and have been doing last minute things...........




Segment 1: A Young Woman's Battle with a Hidden Enemy: Cushing's Disease




Okay I listened to it again and it didnt say brain tumor........but it divided the brain into segments and the pituitary is "the Quarterback" of the brain..........???


CHERYL, Please dont mind us interrupting your story about the cartoon characters, keep going ..........I still want to know what happens

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  • Over 2000 Posts

I must admit if on my first diagnosis I had been told a pituitary tumour, I wouldn't have had a clue but a brain tumour is more clear cut. All I know is I want the buggar out...lol!!

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Judy, wasn't that a very interesting clip? I enjoyed it so much, can't remember who it was that posted it...

I appreciate the "interest' in the comic strip..lol ..it doesn't matter how the word gets out, does it?! We just want people to know what Cushings is...so I'll keep you informed and let you know how it plays out.....will it be Cushings....only Rex Morgan MD knows for sure!

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

todays installment of Rex Morgan MD- they are getting ready to go play golf and I'm sure meet his patient-with the benign brain tumor...tune in tomorrow!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

Ok I've been monitoring the comic strip, first I thought they were going that direction, with the benign brain tumor comment, then they started playing, talking about other stuff, now the other doctor is asking Dr. Morgan if he wants to be involved in a "good cause"....hum.....do we dare hope? Especially since I'm having a ton of trouble getting people to put it in the paper????

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  • Member of the 1000 Post Club

ok, i'm probably wrong...sigh...guess it was worth a try...

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