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ttiffany20191 last won the day on January 18 2018

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About ttiffany20191

  • Birthday April 2

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    Fairfax, VA

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  1. I just wanted to say hello. You are in such good hands at the NIH. I too, had surgery there and they saved my life. I hope things are going well for you.
  2. First of all I want to welcome you! I'm sorry you think you maybe dealing with this disease. To answer your question, it is hard to say if you sound like one. You have a couple of the symptoms. The best think I could tell you is to schedule an appointment with an endocrinologist and get them to run some tests on you. Then go from there. If you don't have it..that is good news...but if you do there are people here that will help you through the process. Wishing you the very best of luck!
  3. Frustrating...Cushing's just keeps on giving and giving! :/ I have always believed that people who were sick a long time and severely had damage done that was permanent.
  4. It is very possible! I maintained normal periods throughout Cushing's. not everyone has every single symptom.
  5. Love the updated site!

    1. MaryO


      Thanks, Tiffany!

  6. Just a question, has any cushings suffers had cysts on the liver and kidneys ?

    hope you are well , havent spoken in a while x

  7. hi Tiffany, could i ask are your tests higher when your feeling ok or when you have the syptoms ?

  8. Hi Vicki! welcome. Feel free to message me! Glad you are on the boards, hope u are finding the answers you need! ;)

  9. Hib tiffany20​191,

    Im a newbee, how do i start a instant message with you ? , love to chat.as i dont wont to worry you on e-mail. thanks

  10. A good thing with my doctors was to write everything down from your questions to your symptoms..bring them literature on the disease which you can find on this site...I know my mind was so foggy and a mess in the middle of Cushings so it was hard to remember anything! If you need advice or support post away! These people are wonderful!!

  11. Nice to meet you and can't wait to learn more about you!!

  12. Hi..Thanks for the comment. I'm just learning how use the site, so I'm sorry if this is late. :( hmmm...off to figure out this place. :)

  13. Thank you for all of your help and suggestions on my post about figuring out what to do next. i REALLY appreciate it..a lot.Hope you are doing well and I hope your holidays are bright~Hugs

  14. Just wanted to thank you for posting all of those sites on my post. Very helpful Thank you for taking the time to do that. i am looking at them all tonight. Thank you!

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