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~Chief Cushie~
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Status Updates posted by MaryO

  1. ...You may also have undiagnosed hypothyroid problem just because all thyroid hormone levels are within normal limit in the test. However, there are 6 different kind of thyroid disease with different mechanism... 

    In the comments area of https://cushingsbios.com/2017/04/03/rachel-undiagnosed-bio/

  2. ...My husband was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease Nov 2016 and was told the moon face (round swelling of face) and the purple striae (purple stretch marks) were classic symptoms of Cushing’s...

    In the comments area of https://cushingsbios.com/2017/10/24/ren-undiagnosed-bio/

  3. I had cyclical Cushing with both my pregnancies…. didn’t know it tho… but my first one was a bad pregnancy….pre eclampsia….low birth weight even tho he was over due….

    In the comments at https://cushingsbios.com/2018/04/10/rachelle-l-rachelle-mother-in-law-of-pituitary-patient/

  4. 🦓 Day 12: Cushing’s Awareness Challenge 2018 https://t.co/jsbvYbJQzf https://t.co/IQLrd3NfqI

  5. Listen as Robin Smith (staticnrg) and Mary O’Connor (MaryO) co-host Cushing’s message board members calling in to talk about their fight for diagnosis and treatment. The show will be opened with a brief explanation of what Cushing’s is and what the symptoms are.

    Listen at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/11/interview-archive-cushings-diagnosis-and-symptoms-part-2/

  6. As luck would have it, NIH (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland) was doing a clinical trial of Cushing's. I live in the same area as NIH so it was not too inconvenient but very scary at first to think of being tested there. At that time I only had a choice of NIH, Mayo Clinic and a place in Quebec to do this then-rare pituitary surgery called a Transsphenoidal Resection.

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/11/day-11-cushings-awareness-challenge-2018/

  7. Robin had Cushing's for over 20 years, at least. Of course, no one figured it out or even put two and two together until her new PCP whom she found in 2004 said 'endocrine'. She didn't figure it out, either, but at least Robin had a piece of the puzzle and she found cushings-help.com. Robin immediately went into denial and left for several months until she got so sick she knew she had to have help. She had originally sought this PCP because she had been going to all sorts of doctors.

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/10/mary-oconnor-maryo-second-interview-archive-with-robin-smith-staticnrg/

  8. There are many genetic varieties with quite a few discovered in the past couple of years. Plus, there are several types such as adrenal, ectopic, and pituitary. And so on...

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/10/myths-and-facts-about-cushings-all-types-of-cushings-are-the-same/

  9. The latest The Cushings Daily! https://t.co/tCmiGgNyMj Thanks to @KKDUB #hcsm #digitalhealth

  10. In the fall of 2002 my endo refused to discuss my fatigue or anything at all with me until I lost 10 pounds. He said I wasn’t worth treating in my overweight condition and that I was setting myself up for a heart attack. He gave me 3 months to lose this weight. Those 3 months included Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years.  Needless to say, I left his office in tears, again.

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/10/day-10-cushings-awareness-challenge-2018/

  11. Rachelle is from Phoenix, Arizona  Her daughter-in-law has been told the tumor is inoperable and the only form of treatment is mifepristone (the abortion pill). After 5 rounds of IUI, they found out on 3/20 they are pregnant!

    Read more at https://cushingsbios.com/2018/04/10/rachelle-l-rachelle-mother-in-law-of-pituitary-patient/

  12. Children suspected of having GHD – which cause growth to slow down or stop and other serious physical problems—currently require a test involving fasting for up to 12 hours.

    Read more at https://cushieblog.com/2018/04/10/gene-test-for-growth-hormone-deficiency-developed/

  13. I had pituitary surgery for cushings disease in 2005, had a reoccurance and had gamma knife radiation in 2007, it took 6 years for them to diagnose me from this disease...

    Read more in the comments area of https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/08/have-you-had-treatment-for-cushings/

  14. Interview Archive: JenS discussed Bilateral Adrenalectomy (BLA) Jen had Pituitary surgery by Dr. S. 4/28/04… https://t.co/3ILuf9jIs0

  15. Interview Archive: JenS discussed Bilateral Adrenalectomy (BLA)

    Jen had Pituitary surgery by Dr. Shahinian 4/28/04, removed ACTH secreting corticotroph hyperplasia and prolactinoma.

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/09/interview-archive-jens-discussed-bilateral-adrenalectomy-bla/

  16. ...My son the doctors call him a Zebra regarding his medical & now brain. Issues from cortisol damage . I’ve traveled 26,000 miles trying to battle this disease with him...

    In the comments area of https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/08/have-you-had-treatment-for-cushings/

  17. The above is the official Cushing's path to a diagnosis but here’s how it seems to be in real life...

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/09/day-9-cushings-awareness-challenge-2018/

  18. Listen as Jayne Kerns and Robin Smith (staticnrg) hosted a Cushing’s Awareness Day Special Chat

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/08/special-cushings-awareness-day-archived-voice-chat/

  19. Harvey Cushing (1869-1939) is considered to be the father of modern neurological surgery. In the early part of the 20th century, he developed basic techniques and instruments for operating on the brain and, as a result, founded the discipline as a distinct surgical speciality. Before Cushing began his career, brain tumours were considered to be inoperable, and the mortality rate for any surgical procedure which involved opening the skull was around 90%. Early in his career, Cushing dramatically reduced the mortality rate for neurosurgery to less than 10%, and by the time of his retirement in 1937, he had successfully removed more than 2,000 tumours.

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/08/its-harveys-birthday/

  20. Corcept, said Korlym’s average cost per patient is $180,000 annually and concedes that “we have an expensive drug. There’s no getting around that.” But, he said, he believes Corcept has a “social contract” to take care of patients and pledged that any patient who is prescribed Korlym will get it regardless of insurance coverage or costs.

    The story of Korlym highlights how America’s drug development system can turn an old drug into a new one that treats relatively few — but often very desperate — patients.

    Read more at https://cushieblog.com/2018/04/08/korlym-how-an-abortion-pill-turned-out-to-be-a-treatment-for-a-rare-disease/

  21. There are two main causes of high cortisol: Chronic stress and more rarely, Cushing’s disease. Cushing’s disease is caused by a hormone-secreting tumor on the adrenal gland which results in the release more cortisol than required.

    Living with chronic stress also leads to high cortisol because the release of cortisol is a natural response from the body when it is stressed. The hypothalamic–pituitary-adrenal [HPA] axis is what regulates the timely release of cortisol during acute stress, but when stress becomes chronic the feedback from the HPA becomes damaged and so cortisol continues to be released.


    Read more at http://cushings.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/54177-high-cortisol-symptoms-and-signs/

  22. Today, April 8th, is Cushing’s Awareness Day. Please wear your Cushing’s ribbons, t-shirts, awareness bracelets or Cushing’s colors (blue and yellow) and hand out Robin’s wonderful Awareness Cards to get a discussion going with anyone who will listen.

    And don’t just raise awareness on April 8. Any day is a good day to raise awareness.

    Read more at https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/08/day-8-cushings-awareness-challenge-2018/

  23. 🦓 Day 8: Cushing’s Awareness Challenge 2018 https://t.co/p7R8MTWaI6

  24. Karen (Rooon55), February 21, 2008. Karen’s disease started when she was a little girl (7) and she finally got a diagnosis in 2005. She had cycling Cushing’s, Thyroid disease, GH deficiency, and Auto immune Alopecia. She believes she is cured after two Pituitary surgeries.

    Read more at  https://cushieblogger.com/2018/04/07/interview-archive-with-karen-n-cyclical-cushings/

  25. my dr did not tell me I had cushings but I have hashimotos, and I just started Korlym, does anyone know about weight loss, I am now taking 3 thyroid meds..

    In the comments area of https://cushieblog.com/message-boards/

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