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World's Third Largest Recorded Baby Born

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I can't see it... :( It says you have to sign in as a comcast client...

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you might try this: http://www.wltx.com/FYI/story.aspx?storyid=47561 (don't know if it'll work tho...)


Funny thing... the first c-section I saw when I was in nursing school was a baby that was exactly 13 pounds. I noticed that mom was over 200 pounds in that article. Babies that are that big are *usually* born to women who have had gestational diabetes. *shrug*




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Argh...sorry, folks. Thanks, Ami....


I forgot about gestational diabetes. I was looking at that baby's cheeks and thought Cushing's....shows you where my mind is!




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you might try this: http://www.wltx.com/FYI/story.aspx?storyid=47561 (don't know if it'll work tho...)

Thanks, Ami, the link did work.


I better call the hospital where I used to work. Maybe the child that I helped take care of all those years ago never got registered in the Guiness Book. We all had a heck of a time with our backs and the 14#er that was delivered, C-Sec of course, back in '89. The family has since moved, otherwise I would get in touch with them.


but what really got to me was the story of the heaviest, biggest ever born in Italy. 10.2 kilos.... omigosh, that poor mother, way back in '55. What an ordeal. I wonder if that kid grew up normal sized in later years.




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WOW a big baby!

Robin I have always wonder if my illness had an effect on the size of my big babies?!?!?!? I also had an issue with pre-eclampsia with the first, maybe the second and definitely the third pregnancy. My 24hr protein was 4,300mgs (normal 100-200mg/day).


Just as FYI my three pregancies produced very large babies and I never had getational diabetes. I was screened by O'Sullivan test (a 1-hour blood glucose determination after a sugar drink) and passed each time. NO one really could say why the babies were so large-especially the ones that would have been quite large if I hadn't went into labor early.


First - delivered around 40 weeks/due date she weighed 10 pounds 6 oz


Second- identical twins delivered 6 weeks early- lost one baby and the other baby 8 pounds can't remember ounces right now


Third- Delivered 4 weeks early another 10 pounds 6 ouncer again.

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