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Interview with Cyndie (aautomo884)


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  • Chief Cushie

Please join us Thursday, November 13, 7:30PM eastern for an interview with Cyndie (aautomo884). Cyndie started having symptoms in 2004. She had 2 Parathyroid Adenomas removed June 2007. She is now ruling out MEN 1.


The Call-In number is (646) 200-0162.



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  • Chief Cushie

There is always a chat going on during the interviews so people chat or type their questions/comments in there rather than calling in. This is good for people from other countries or don't have long-distance service...or just don't like to talk on the phone.

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There is always a chat going on during the interviews so people chat or type their questions/comments in there rather than calling in. This is good for people from other countries or don't have long-distance service...or just don't like to talk on the phone.


Is the chat just the shoutbox ...or?

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  • Chief Cushie

No, it's another chatroom specifically attached to the area where people can listen to live and archived chats: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/CushingsHelp That chat area is only open during the interviews.

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