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Just me

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Carpal Tunnel?

Always something! I woke up last night with numb tingly wrist and ring finger.  In the last few days, I've had to move my watch band out a notch. I've been on Omnitrope .3 growth hormone for a couple months and just finished my second cartridge.  Emailed Dr. Salvatori for advice. A couple weeks ago it felt like my wisdom tooth lower left was coming in and I generally felt like something was happening with my jaw.  That's evened out now. Naturally, my second shipment (2 m



Back on GH

After an 11 year break due to kidney cancer, I went back on Growth Hormone (Omnisource) just over a week ago.  I'm not feeling a whole lot different yet but I am keeping a journal on Carezone.  If anyone is interested in following that, please PM me your email address. I may be going off it again if things don't improve - I'll give it 2 months to see improvement but after that, no.  I really can't afford or justify the copay of $535.



Boy, I haven't kept this up!

Last I wrote, it was about all these glorious blogs I was creating.   A couple weeks ago *Poof* and they were all gone   My personal blog contained:   A journal about how I felt about my Cushing's years after my pituitary surgery.   How I was feeling about life.   Notes about how I felt about my kidney cancer (Renal Cell Carcinoma) 2 years after my diagnosis and surgery.   Information about news in kidney cancer treatments, links to other good sites, comments from friends and much



Blogs Overload!

July 22, 2008:   These 3 blogs were all hit by my hacker a few weeks ago.   The new Cushing's blog is http://cushingshelp.blogspot.com/   The new Barbados blog is http://beautiful-barbados.blogspot.com/   The new music studio blog is http://oconnor-music.blogspot.com/   I'm hoping by hosting these through Blogger instead of on my own server they won't be vulnerable to hackers anymore. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   Original post:   I spent the last couple days making a new blo



Walking Wounded, the sequel!

Wow! I guess I haven't been on the boards for 2 weeks or so I see that I have dozens of PMs to read, many emails to check/answer and I missed at least one person who had ordered an Awareness Bracelet that I never sent   My Monday appointment with the surgeon went ok. He took blood/urine and was going to send me for CT scans. That day, as I recall was very cold here with a wind chill of something like -7o   I came home and taught my piano students, as usual.   Tuesday morning I woke up a



One Turkey... Trotting!

I'm so pleased with myself. This morning I just did a local "Turkey Trot", just the walking part, but I made it 2 miles and didn't need the extra cortisone I brought just in case.   This event benefits the local Life With Cancer center where I take some classes. It's such a neat feeling to be out there with 4,000 others, all running/walking/trotting/pushing strollers/walking dogs for a common cause. This event today took in over $250,000. Amazing!   My son and husband ran (one way faste



Catching up with the Cancer

Since I had surgery for kidney cancer May 9, 2006, I've been looking around for somewhere to read and talk about this with other survivors (hopefully!) I haven't found anyplace I'd like to visit or feel comfortable with yet, so I decided to make a new blog here.   I'm sure that my recovery will be much the same as for any other major abdominal surgery, although I'd like it to be faster   Before my surgery, I didn't have time really to consider that I had cancer, and what it meant for my lif



Feeling down and helpless

I'm feeling so down. My two special friends, Alice and Sue are both are going through some really tough times right now and I feel so helpless. There's nothing I can do to help either one and it makes me feel so bad. I like being a person who can cheer others up and it's just not working right now. Both are people I met online, neither lives close to me, so I can't just drop by and give out hugs, help with housework, shopping, whatever.I hate to call and be disruptive in case of much-needed nap



Walking wounded

Sheesh, I feel like an invalid. My carpal tunnel is back with a vengeance, so I'm wearing the big braces again - look terrific in short sleeve shirts! It's also very hard to type, to do the computer, to do anything.Besides that, I got some kind of eye infection or something. At first, I thought it was something in my eye because only one quadrant was hurting and red, but it spread to the whole eyeball.It might be from the newest contact lens solution I bought. When I looked at the label, it



Copied From Christy :)

So, I copied this from Christy's Blog. I hope she forgives me!Of course, I did replace with my answers, not hers :)Replace answers with your own :)A is for age- Over the Hill!B is for booze- Black (or white) Russian C is for Career or major- Let's see how does that go...taxi, chef, maid, doctor, teacher, musician, web designer, SURVIVOR!D is for dad's name- Daddy to me, Grandpa to my son, was Frank to othersE is for essential items to bring on a trip - computer and peripherals!F is for favor




Darn! Looks like I need some new images for the blog on Skyscape: e_pub.gif, e_draft.gif, p_sendtb.gif, p_draft.gif and p_lock.gif



I Wish...

...I weren't so tired - a recurring theme in my blog entries. But I wish that I could live more, enjoy life more, be more "real" and I think I have to be less tired to accomplish all that.But what if I get less tired and find out that this is all that there is? Life is more than half over and there's nothing more for me, everything good that's supposed to happen already has. What a depressing thought.I'm not depressed right now, but these down-type feelings keep creeping into my thinking. Mid




I'm afraid if I keep a record of this, I won't like what I see. I'm still tired from my trip. I wonder how long it will take to get back to "normal tired". If/when I get back, it will probably be time for something else that zaps my energy.Gotta start exercising, though. I got quite a bit in the airport, just walking and hauling luggage around.




I'm about finished with the new boards, just in the nick of time. I wanted them done before Wisconsin, and it looks like the basics will be done before then!




Wow, there were 259 pictures in the old gallery. Shame most everyone couldn't see them! Hopefully, that will work better on these new boards. Maybe someday I'll upload some of those 259 but right now I'm exhausted!



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